About Us

LinkArctic started as a personal project. To manage bookmarks accross multiple devices and to keep track of a list of movies to watch. As more and more colleagues asked for an invite to the app - we decided to improve the platform and make it available for everyone. There are many other bookmarking tools but we find all others too complex to use or too slow. We wanted to keep it to the bare minimum and most importantly fast.

LinkArctic is built with Laravel and Vue, styled with TailwindCSS and the icons used are from FontAwesome. Hosted by TransIP and managed by CloudFlare. Our payments are all handled securely by Mollie. Our transactional emails are sent by Postmark.

LinkArctic is maintained by the company Label84 based in the Netherlands.

For more information send us an email at [email protected]. We'll reply you within 24 hours but if you're in or around the Amsterdam timezone you'll probably get a response within the hour.